Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's All About Choices

Junebug talked yesterday on her blog about doing the things we want to do. She said someone told her that we do the things we really want to do, and she was thinking about the truth of that statement. Made me think about it. I also spent the better part of the day working on the Scripture guides for a prayer service. I wrote a lot about holiness and choosing obedience and holiness; challenging teens to be salt and light. So between Junebug's musings and my own...I've been thinking alot.

I stand by my original comment to Junebug that we pretty much do the things we want to do. On the surface, that sounds pretty selfish, and it can be. But it doesn't have to be. If I choose holiness, then I am going to want to do the things that bring glory to God. That applies to every area of my life. For example, I WANT to hang out at my house with my husband and kids watching the Braves or Andy Griffith. But tonight began a new FAITH semester. My desire to reach teens for Christ and teach other teens to do the same is stronger than my desire to sit on my duff in front ot the tv. That desire doesn't come from me, it comes from Him, because I have surrendered my will to Him.

Another example...Sometimes there are events at church that my children are involved in. Now, everyone who knows me knows that I love my children, but I don't love "children's stuff" (sorry Junebug and SUG and BB...I love you too, you know I do). I don't necessarily WANT to do those things. But I DO want what is best for my children. I WANT them to know that I love them and support them and am proud of them. I WANT them to feel secure in my participation and involvement in their life. Those WANTS are much stronger than my desire to do something else.

Sometimes (often) I fail miserably and wind up back in my self-centered world. But I try very hard to daily surrender my will to His. See, it's all about choices. Kearsdad says that often (ask any 10th or 11th grade boy at our church) and it's true. We do what we want to do. The question is, who is controlling our wants?


Junebug said...

Oooo...good question. Who or what is controlling our wants?

I'm gonna keep thinking on this one...

Anonymous said...

deep thoughts by kearsmom. lovin' it!

Debbie B said...

Good thoughts that I agree with. :) I have taught to adult Sunday school classes that when we surrender to God - His will becomes our desires. God does give us the desires of our hearts when we belong fully and completely to Him.

I think often on the verse, "Be Holy for I am Holy." Yes, we can fall but His Spirit abiding in us convicts us and we repent.

I also believe that most of us do what we want to do. Often, we prefer our loved ones (children, husband, or dear friends) over our needs because we love them.

Tonight, I would like to stay home from church, too. I want to soak long in the tub and listen to good music and drink herb tea. But, my husband has asked me to sing the solo in the choir special for Sunday and he is (the last I heard) starting rehearsal on the Christmas cantata. Now, in reality... I know my solo and I know this cantata. But, he needs me at rehearsal because I am his strongest soprano. Therefore, since I desire to please God more than fillful the desires of my flesh, I will go to church. I totally get what you are saying about choosing certain activities that show our support to our families and to ministry.

Anyway, all this rambling to say, "Good Blog."


Anonymous said...

I agree if we let us control our wants then we lead self centered lives and are at least in my case pretty miserable in a short amount of time. But if I let Him lead I am content, and feel at peace more. And I don't like those decisons we make for our kids that are no fun for us but best for them. But we need to keep making them for sure!!!