Monday, April 23, 2007

Our Very Busy Weekend

We survived our Very Busy Weekend. Friday, after lunch, I delivered girls to the "horse house" where they spent the afternoon bathing and grooming horses. Even Banana got into the action, taking care of SouthernUtahGirl's daughter's horse since The Thinker had to attend her brother's birthday party. Banana took very good care of Grace. I was told later that Kat is an expert tail tie-er upper. She apparently tied up all the horse tails. I never knew how much went into preparing a horse for showing!

Late in the afternoon, I picked Banana up, took her home for a bath, and delivered her to Uncle Funandone at the ball field where he was overseeing Lou Lou's team practice. As I drove away, Lou Lou and Banana were standing in the field with their arms linked. I didn't have my camera. It would have been an awesome picture. I am not sure how Lou Lou managed to practice with her arm linked to Banana. If you are interested in the rest of Banana's weekend, click here to read Junebug's weekend post.

Saturday morning Kearsdad and I got up very early, before it was light, and dressed and drove to Taylorsville. Taylorsville is a suburb of Magee. If you have ever been to Magee, you know that it's suburbs are specks on the map. In fact, I am not sure if Taylorsville is on the map. But that is where the horse show is. Kearsdad and I and SouthernUtahGirl and Golden Boy are very out of place there. Neither of the dads have cowboy hats or belt buckles and they don't chew or smoke. And S-U-G and I wear our hair kind of short and mostly straight, not real big and fluffy and not in a bun. But it is lots of fun there anyway.

We had a good time watching our girls and their horses. They did really good. Unfortunately the judge was an older man who can't get a job anywhere else because he is legally blind. Really. He kept getting all the numbers mixed up. We hope the lady judge who was very slow is back next month. Or someone else. What is important, though, is that the girls had fun and did well, and their horse teacher told them she was proud and she could see how much they had improved.

So, after the show we drove home. While Kat and I bathed and I put pies in the oven, Kearsdad went to pick Banana up from yet another ball field. Aparently Junebug's family spends as much time at ballfields as we do at dance studios and horse pastures. Everyone got cleaned up and the pies got baked, and we left again. We dropped Kat off at church for her preteen activity. Again, see Junebug's post to see what she did. While she was off galavanting with Junebug and company, we went to the 10th grade Bible Study. After that, we met Junebug and Funandone to get Kat back. Then we all went home. Junebug and Southern Utah Girl and I were all very sleepy Sunday morning.

Here is a picture of Kat and Hickory and The Thinker and Grace.

Here is a picture of Kat and Hickory and a very nice jump. If you look to the right, you see the judge. He is looking at something in his hand. He is not looking at the jump. Maybe that's why he had trouble judging. He didn't see anything. By the way, that is Golden Boy standing with the judge. He was the "ring steward" on Saturday. Or, as the judge called him, "Hey Boy".


Junebug said...

Thanks for the link. Maybe it will increase my traffic. :-)

We love the ballfield. Almost like watching the Braves play. Except our pitcher is waaay cuter!!

Also, is your next weekend any better? Ours is only a little better...LouLou has TWO games this weekend. And Jitterbug says we will be square if we do not attend the Friday night crop.

Kearsmom said...

There is a crop Friday night???? WHY didn't I know that?? I can't think of a single reason I can't go. So I am planning on being there WITH you.

BB said...

i'm tired now....i think i'll take a nap.

what a fun life your kids have!!! does that mean yours is fun by proxy?

BB said...

i'm tired now....i think i'll take a nap.

what a fun life your kids have!!! does that mean yours is fun by proxy?

BB said...

i'm tired now....i think i'll take a nap.

what a fun life your kids have!!! does that mean yours is fun by proxy?

Junebug said...

I'd be tired, too, if I kept saying the same thing over and over again.

Junebug said...

Also, Jitterbug emailed us about the crop.