Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In My Own Defense

I have not posted anything new since the weekend. The next four days are going to be beyond busy. I get a headache just thinking about how I am going to get it all accomplished. I am in charge of our last homeschool "class day" tomorrow-we are studying Egypt. Then in the afternoon the girls have dance. Friday is my official "work day", when I meet with Mr. Student Pastor and then he and I meet with the rest of our staff. Also on Friday, Kat has to go get her horse ready for a show on Saturday. And I have to figure out how and when to get Banana and her bike to Funandone sometime late Friday afternoon. For Saturday, I have to figure out what SouthernUtahGirl and I are going to take for lunch to the horse show (did I mention the horse show is 2 hours away?). Then, when we get home in the afternoon, I have to get dessert and salad ready to take to 1oth grade Bible Study that night. Sigh.....

So, this is my post for the week. After all this stuff going on in the next few days, rest assured I will have lots to blog about by Sunday...including pictures.


Junebug said...

Kat also has Saturday Night Live. I'm just sayin.

Kearsmom said...

Oh yeah...I knew I was leavin' somethin' out.

southernutahgirl said...

I feel you pain. dad hospital visits, the kind ones b day party birthday show and Saturday night live and the usual yard stuff, get ready for Sunday stuff hopefully next week the world will slow down.