More importantly, Jesus has been honored and thanked and sung about, and sung to! What an awesome time of celebration we had this morning! I thank God every day for the incredible body of believers He has so graciously allowed me to be a part of! And for the love He pours on me every day.
Here are a few Easter sightings...
Now, for a brief confession...Those cute pics of Kat and Banana at the top...they were taken this afternoon. Like at about 3:00. And what you can't see is that they have jeans and no shoes on underneath. See, we got home and did what we do every Sunday...hurried in and changed. I was in even a bigger hurry 'cause my mom and dad were here and they were anxious to get on the road. After lunch was over, and mom and dad gone, and we were all layin' around eating peeps and such, I jumped up and yelled "Oh no!" I had forgotten to take ANY pictures except for those Junebug and I took at church this morning! What has happened to me?? So I forced the girls to change back into their dresses (bribing Kat with some computer time. Banana is a camera hog, so she wasn't a problem). But there they are...Easter pictures of my kids, in their Easter dresses, on Easter day. So there!
whatever it takes!!!! no one will know in years to come, except maybe the ones forced to go along with you!
happy easter!
Okay, want to know what is truly scary about that story? I did the same stinkin thing. Well, almost. My children had already changed into play clothes by the time I got to Jitterbugs so I made them get re-dressed up and take pictures after we got home...which was about 5pm. Those are the pics you see on my blog.
Great minds and all that, right?!
wow I am impressed. I don't know if I would have been that honest. But they are great photos anyway. And by the way who declares no more candy so early ya gotta give em at leat two days to eat it all right????
Um, yeah. I say SEVERAL days to eat the candy. Our Easter bunny tried to bring less candy this year than usual. He brought more books, instead. Unless you count all the colored peeps that were in Junebug's basket. Those were plentiful!
Hey...what's with goin' online on people's blogs without signin' onto AIM so I know you are on??? How am I suppose to talk to you while you are reading my blog if you don't sign on AIM?????? haha!
Oh, and co-dependant...didja see junebug's comment up there? She did the same thing!
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