Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ballerina Girl

This is Banana doing what she does best. Today was observation day at dance and Kearsdad and I got to watch her in her element. (We also got to watch Kat...more on that in a sec.) Banana would rather dance than do anything...except maybe eat. I think it would be a close call between dancing and eating. Her morning routine is this...get up, drink coffee (yes, coffee) watch Full House, eat breakfast, get dressed, make bed, do quiet time, and dance. Every morning, as soon as she is dressed, and before I make it in to start giving school assignments, she disappears into the playroom, puts on music of some sort (anything from Barlowe Girl to Aly and AJ to The Nutcracker) and starts dancing. She dances till I announce, "Turn your music off and do your spelling." Late in the afternoon, before dinner, it's usually the same thing again. Thing is, she is a really good dancer. I am quite impressed. Kearsdad and I wondered aloud today how it is her teacher can spew out a long list of French words that translate into dance steps and then turn on the music and count "5-6-7-8" and Banana can repeat it back to her in dance form, but when we say, "Go hang up your towel and put your shoes in the closet." She can't remember which way she was going. I guess it's priorities.

We have spent a lot of time lately talking about honoring God in everything you do. I hope and pray she will get that. I think she does. Dance has been a wonderful thing for her. As a preschooler, she was painfully shy. She went an entire year in Kindergarten Sunday School without speaking a word. In first grade, she would follow me out the door and back up the stairs crying. But when I would take her to dance, she would run into the room smiling, barely pausing to tell me good bye. Dancing gave her self confidence and made her believe in herself. I thank God for the talent He has blessed her with, and for the passion she has.

Kat is taking Hip Hop just for fun. We watched her class to. It was cute...all those little white girls with no rhythm trying to keep up. But they did well. We have been pretty impressed with Miss Kat. And she has had lots of fun doing it.


BB said...

I can't imagine that your girls won't honor the Lord with their gifts! They have exceptional examples in their parents!

Anonymous said...

Love it! After seeing the video tonight...I had to read. When you teach them the towel/shoe thing, let me know and give me pointers! :)

Anonymous said...

too sweet I love watching kids use thier talents for God .