Monday, March 10, 2008


That's what I have. A blogging dilemma. To blog or not to blog... I started this about a year ago, at the prodding of a couple of friends. Sometimes it has been enjoyable. But other times it just becomes frustrating to me. Lately, I find myself asking more and more "Does anyone really care?" I mean, really, is anyone but me REALLY interested in what my kids did last week? Of course I know Kearsdad is, but then he already knows. So what good does it do me to blog it?

One of the things I told myself when I began was that blogging would give me a way to keep far away friends up to date on my family. However, I am almost positive that none of those friends EVER look at my blog. If they do, I am not aware of it. I didn't share this blog with family, but started a separate on for them. I posted two, maybe three, times. Then I realized that they were completely uninterested in it. I made it a "private blog" so that I could use real names and such. My uncle proclaimed it was too much trouble to register with Google so he could access the blog. My mother looked once or twice, but only with major help from me over the phone which took way too much time. It's easier to just email her pictures. I think my father-in-law looked one time, then forgot to tell my mother-in-law about it. She never looks at the computer anyway. My sister-in-law and brother admitted to never looking at it. I think I'm just going to shut that blog down. Obviously none of the people it was intended for are interested.

I suppose that is where my frustration comes in. I take it too personally.

So...I've had a few hours to think about this post. Here's what I decided. I have been writing since I was in 4th grade. It's very therapeutic for me and I enjoy it. Until this blog, only a handful of people were ever aloud to see anything I had written-my husband, my mother when I was younger, my dear friend who passed away last week, and a few other teachers. Now, my writing is out there for the world to see. If anyone chooses to read, that's great. If they choose to comment, even better. But I will continue to write anyway, because I like to. And this is a great forum to be creative.


Mel said...

I'm sorry it's been frustrating. I don't think any of my family reads my blog either. I do want to say that I enjoy seeing the pics of your kids. Expecially the performances and horse pics. I like reading about other people daily life ;)

Heather said...

I enjoy reading your blog. It is a way for me to keep up with your family now that we don't have as much interaction going on.

I have thought about stopping mine because I honestly don't think anyone reads it. I have only gotten one comment on all my blogs and have a small number of hits.

So I guess you can say we share the same blog frustration!

Anonymous said...

I stalk your blog!ha! I started my blog for me ...never thinking other people would read it. I wanted to a place to record things the monkeys said and did so that one day I could use it AGAINST them!ha! Just kidding! Keep writing...even if no one reads what a treasure your girls will have!:)

Junebug said...

I ALWAYS read what you write AND I enjoy it. I LOVE your kids and like to read about their stuff.

Keep writing.

southernutahgirl said...

i agree keep writing. I enjoy it and I have also decided to only write for myself not to please others cuz' you cannot do that no matter how hard you rty . ya know??!!!!

Karren said...

I enjoy your blog. Our dds have similar interests and I enjoy reading about them. I hope you keep it up!

BB said...

i love to read your blog! i love the photos, too! so thanks for keeping it up!

Kirsten said...

I am a far away friend who loves to read your blog. It helps me feel connected to life in MS and a little less nervous about coming home.

Andrea said...

I understand! I feel the same way. I do enjoy writing too and it is FUN to look back and re-read posts after time has passed.

I enjoy your blog! I read it! :)