Friday, March 21, 2008

The Power of Love

Some 2000 years ago, God stepped into our world and changed the course of time. Time stood still and the Creator of the universe became the perfect sacrifice. The power of sin was forever conquered.

I am sure that I don't think about these things nearly enough. I know that I don't comprehend it. The power of love so strong, so pure, so complete. The power that overcame death forever. A wise lady once taught me that I possess that very same power. Not on my own, of course, but in Christ. My position in Christ means that I have in me everything for life, the power to overcome, the power to live in victory. But I just don't get it. It's obvious that I don't because I know for sure that I don't live it out everyday.

When I do stop to think about the gift of Life that is mine through the cross and through the blood, I am overwhelmed. There are those moments...those brief glimpses into heaven, those moments of divine presence, when I can almost touch His glory. Then I get an inkling. But all too soon, it slips away. Not because He closes the door, but because I do. I close it to get back to the business at hand...all the stuff that I think is important when I know that it isn't. None of it is. It will all fade away burned and blown away. Even the things I think are good things. And all that will be left is me facing my Creator. All I will hold then will be the eternal things I did for him. I hope and pray my hands aren't empty on that day. When I step into His glory, I want to be unable to hold all that I have to present to Him. I want it to spill over.

So I think about the Power of Love. The Power of the Cross. The Power of a God who sacrifice everything for my life. And I pray that my life will reflect my gratitude.