Saturday, September 15, 2007

Runnin' in Circles

That about describes my life these days. Running somebody here, somebody there. Running to the store, the church...dropping people off and picking people up.

This weekend was one of those weekends. It was the weekend of Kat's last horse show for this season. It was also the weekend of Banana's first official "company class" and first Nutcracker rehearsal. The makings of a perfect storm? Or the perfect opportunity to utilize the "friend's network"? Not being in the mood for a storm, I opted for friends.

Kearsdad and I went to the Last Show. Banana spent the night with friend #1. Friend #2's mom picked Banana up, took both girls to class/rehersal.

The last show was fun. Hickory the Horse wasn't at the top of his game today, though. In fact, I'm not sure he was even in the game. To his credit (actually, to Kat's credit) they placed 2nd in Showmanship. Otherwise, the only way they placed at all was by being "bumped up" by having older girls showing in their class (after scoring, the older girls get moved to their own catagory, and everyone else moves up a spot). Hickory was just "happy to be there" today. He was extrememly handsome, his color was bright. We think he knew he looked good and was so busy strutting that he forgot what he was supposed to be doing. Or didn't care.

The cool thing is that Kat loves him and loves showing him so much that she didn't even care. She gets excited when they do well, but she is also just "happy to be there". I love that attitude.

So we are home and tired. Very tired. I am ready for a HOT bubble bath and my bed.


BB said...

i can't wait for the day when one of my kids has to take me to all the places i have to go and i can just sit in thebackseat, talking and singing to myself. do you think someone will say, "oh how cute!" like i did when they were little?

Junebug said...

Yeah, bubble bath sounds really good about right now. I am pretty sure that is what I am headed to do as soon as I finish my blog-check!

Thanks for the suggestion! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes a busy running weekend it was but, I was glad to do it with such great company. I loved the chat we all had Friday night around the table way fun!! we need to do much more of that. Hey are we all going out without kids to Mr.B's favorite Chinese spot on Thursday ????

Kearsmom said...

I don't know SUG...I would love to, but I don't have handy dandy Grandparents around, so I don't know what I would do with my kids...