Thursday, September 6, 2007

Okay, It's Over, I'm Done

Summer that is. Many of you (or few of you, depending on how many people actually read this blog) may remember how I was lamenting the early demise of summer a few weeks ago. I really do think that ending summer at the beginning of August is criminal. However, it is now September, and I realized this afternoon that I am ready for it to be over. I am ready for cool air and bonfires and all that fun stuff.

I can't say exactly what led me to this conclusion. My week in Colorado where it never got above 75 (that was the WARM day) probably has something to do with it. Also the fact that we started school this week. And the fact that I spent 2 hours standing outside in the heat watching girls and horses work today. I have made the mental and emotional transition and now I am impatient for fall. Enough of this heat. Let's get on with it already.

On a more serious note...God continually amazes me with His faithfulness. Last week in Colorado I was blown away daily, hourly, at the awesome beauty and power of His creation. But this morning, I asked Him to help me be aware of the same things in my daily life, here where I live. He isn't just in the mountains and the waterfalls and on the rocks. He is in the sunset, and the light reflected on the water near my house and in the birdsong and in my children's smiles. He reminded me of that today, in the breeze under the tree, watching my sweet girl loving on that silly horse, and as my other sweet girl ran through the grass in the pasture under a clear blue sky in total freedom and abandon. Thanks Jesus!


Junebug said...

So now is it okay to talk about school and late nights and stuff like that??!!

Also, great thoughts in that last paragraph. It is soooo easy to miss the stuff that is right in front of us. Thanks for the reminder!! I like learning what God is teaching you! :-)

Kearsmom said...

I am not going to say what first came to my mind when I read your first sentence, Junebug, because you followed it up with something really nice.

Junebug said...

Was it worse than "shut up, Junebug?"

Kearsmom said...

Nah...that was about it, but your other comment was so nice, I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

Junebug said...

Well, I prolly deserved you coulda said it. :-)

Anonymous said...

I Agree that we so often miss what is going on around us that reflects HIs love for us. I am glad you had a break to see it all again and remind us all where we should live. Abiding in his grace and love no matter what our view is outside our windows.

Anonymous said...

The stalker is back! Thanks for the congrats, being a grammy is better in some ways than being a mom! It is a very humbling experience holding your "baby's baby!" Watching your child become a parent and being a really great one from the beginning is exciting. Seeing God's handiwork in a little baby is something that made me speechless!
Watching all of you young moms being really great moms, being involved in your children's lives, and being an example/role model to other children in our church is really a fun thing. It makes me feel older, even though I rarely act older, but that is a good thing too! I love reading and hearing about what is going on in your lives and knowing that we have godly women who love their God, their husbands, their children and their church and in that order! Your the best!
Teach 4 ever