Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Phone Call

So, I'm driving to church tonight. I'm about halfway across the bridge when my phone rings. I see that it is Kearsdad, and I answer. The conversation that follows goes something like this:

Kearsdad: Hey, DD wants to know if you are bringing him something to eat.

Me: Um. No. We ate lunch late, so I wasn't going to get anything before church.

Kearsdad: Well, he's begging. He really wants something to eat.

Me: Well, why don't you take him to get something?

Kearsdad: Because he has to stay here and run sound for the Praise team to practice. I guess I'll go get him something.

Me (glancing at the clock): Well, I have to drive right past Wendys and it doesn't take too long. Ask him if Wendy's is okay.

Kearsdad (after conferring with the hungry boy): Yes, he says Wendys is fine.

There was some additional conversation as DD placed his order. Then I hung up.

It was only then that I thought..."How did that just happen?"

(For those of you who read this blog but don't know us well, we do not actually have a son. At least not one by birth. Apparently we have several now though.)


Kirsten said...

I sure hope you are making him work for that food! Taking out the trash... doing the dishes... mowing the lawn... :)

TobyBo said...

... at a bit of a loss here to understand how you have picked up a son or sons just by virtue of delivering Wendy's... oh, wait... my 9 yo would call anyone who fed him Mom...

Kearsmom said...

LOL, Toby, that's about right! It's more about the relationship that has led to him (or any of the other boys) to feel comfortable enough to ask.