Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This Can't Be Happening to Me!

I have the flu. I don't ever get sick. Not really sick. But I have the stinkin' flu. I don't have time to have the flu. I have way too much to do. This is probably what I get for picking on Junebug for getting sick so much. It has come back to haunt me.

And the flu is expensive. I just spent $70 at the pharmacy. And that doesn't even include the Tamiflu I have to go back and get for the girls when the pediatrician office calls me back. Jimmy and the girls are starting the preventative dose because living in the house with a person who has the flu greatly increases the chances of catching it. I am trying to keep my distance and Lysol everything and make everyone wash their hands. I am seriously praying that the flu shots the girls got will keep them healthy.

So I am stuck on the couch. I am very thankful for the two sweet girls who have been extremely helpful and patient. And for my sweet husband who is also helpful and patient. Sigh....


Junebug said...

Yeah. Maybe YOU should take those vitamins, huh??

Also, I am very sorry. Seriously.

southernutahgirl said...

I am so sorry U R sicky. call me if you need anything but I agree with craig I love ya but keep your distance.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you have that awful crud! We missed you last night at the Solid Ground thingamajig! What a turnout! Craig had to be just so proud, on his birthday and all! In your absence, me and Ms. Tricia had fun helping Monika register the late comers. Just love those Solid Ground kids and their parents!!!! take care, janet

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

hope you're feeling better!!!!!! that'll teach you to make fun of junebug....

bless your heart. don't mess with us Delta people - we'll "voo doo" you!!!

Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

I hope you feel better!!! The flu is everywhere is seems. Get lots of rest!!!!

Junebug said...

My grandaddy called it "hoo doo."