Friday, July 20, 2007

The Journey Continues

This Sunday, Kat will leave for her last trip with bb and Junebug. It doesn't seem possible that it has been so long ago that she went off for the first time. Her first week-long trip was awful (for me, not her). I cried every day. I called Junebug several times a day. Now, it's time for one last trip (stop crying's okay, really it is). I can't possibly be old enough for her to be leaving 6th grade. I truly can't be old enough to have a 7th grader!

Next week, she will go off on her first trip as a "student". She will go off on her own. Even though it is within my rights to go as a member of the student staff, I won't be along on this trip. This one has to be hers. She has to enter into this new world on her own. She has to establish relationships with the older kids as her own person. Mostly she has to establish a relationship with the boss as her pastor, not my boss, or mom and dad's friend. It's not the first time she's gone off without me...but it is the first time she has gone off without either me or Junebug.

So, I find myself she ready for all this? I think she is...I think she is secure in who she is, what she believes, how she is to behave. Am I really ready for all this?? I hope I am. I am proud of who she is and who she is becoming. My biggest worry is how others might affect her. Girls her age can be mean. I pray she is secure enough to be who she is, and strong enough to not allow other's opinions affect her, and bold enough to be a leader and not a follower, and discerning enough to see the big picture instead of the little details.

And so here we go, Kearsdad and on another exciting leg of this journey called parenthood. So far, we have survived the trip. I haven't been disappointed yet, and I don't expect to be disappointed now.


BB said...

she'll be's you i'm worried about!!!! jk:):):)

Anonymous said...

I t is hard to believe that kat is ready to go off on her own. It doesn't seem that long ago that your mom was picking her up for the afternoo. My prayers are with wyou both and I know you both will do just great. MMM

The Mom said...

wow! i can not believe kat is going to be in the youth group! i feel so old now! i remember when she was a baby and gran would always talk about her and when i would go see gran she would show kat off. seems like yesterday! wow! she will do great! i will be praying for all of you during this transition.

also, is that gran that commented? wow! you should feel special...she doesn't even comment on my blog. :-)

Kearsmom said...

Yes, Manders, it is Gran. And I do feel special...AND I now have 3 comments in a row from all 3 generations! How cool is that???

Kearsmom said...

Also, do y'all realize that she has been in the care, one way or the other, of one of you for her entire life???

B's Blog said...

So, how does Kat feel about everyone talking about changing her diapers? :-)

Time truly isn't on our side when we talk about these monumental milestones.

I wish that I could have been a part of watching your girls grow up - at least a bit closer, however, God has had other things in my life the past 13 or so years.

Enjoy your home with just one girl at home while Kat is enjoying not being at home, er, ah... being with her friends.

Have a great week in prayer and supplication as you are not supposed to worry. Blessings, B

Junebug said...

At the risk of Kearsdad making fun of me...that made me cry.

And that's all I can say about it right now. Partly because I am not sure of what all that makes me feel. Partly because there are a bunch of LOUD preteens hovering over me...not the least of which is Kat herself.

The Mom said...

i think it is very cool that your family and my family are so close! we love you, kearsdad, and the girls very much!

Anonymous said...

The grow too fast!!! But Kat will do great in the transition. We will continue to pray for a smooth one. She is truly an exceptional young lady one that will do well whatever stage she is in. I say it is all in the upbringing:)