Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Newest Teenager

Banana turned 13 yesterday. My baby is a teenager. I told Kearsdad that I've really been thinking of her as a teenager for a while now, but this made it official. I am so proud of the beautiful young lady she is becoming.

We celebrated all day! Birthdays at our house are a big deal. Maybe not always a big party and a lot of hoopla, but we make sure the person celebrating the birthday is made to feel special. I have a Happy Birthday sign that I bought for Kat's 3rd birthday party. I have used it every year since...on the night before each girl's birthday, after they are asleep, I hang the sign on their door. Sometimes I also put a matching one on the fireplace mantle. But since stockings are still up, I only decorated Banana's door.

We met Kearsdad for lunch at Banana's favorite sushi place. There she opened her presents from us...Kat gave her a dvd she's been waiting on, and we gave her the accompanying cd. Our big gift, though, was similar to Kat's 13th birthday gift...her birthstone ring. So pretty.

After lunch, Banana, Kat and I went shopping for a while, looking for curtains for her room. Grandmama ordered her new (grown-up-looking) bedding. After shopping, we stopped at Berry Berry Good Yogurt....mmmm.

The highlight of her day, however was a SURPRISE! We managed to pull of a surprise birthday party last night with the help of some awesome friends. I was reminded last night of how blessed we are to have friends who love us and love our children. The party was a hit, and she was genuinely surprised! Thanks to Junebug for helping me pull it together, thanks to MPBs Mama for an awesome cake, thanks to some special friends for helping us plot and scheme!

Happy Birthday sweet girl! I love you!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Bday Anna! So pretty!