We are leaving tomorrow for Georgia for Thanksgiving. (Note...we will not do this again next year. That will be another post.) Kearsdad is planning to go hunting with his dad on Wednesday. (Note 2...if he shoots something, getting it home may be interesting. That will also be another post.) Banana heard about this hunting expedition and, of course, wanted to go. I wasn't sure if this would work out, but I thought we might prepare just in case. I went to her closet and pulled out her hunting-wear/camo. I looked at it closely, and realized it looked much smaller than the new jeans I have been buying her recently. So I called her in to try everything on. She did. I collapsed in laughter. See those baggy pants in that picture up there. Miss Banana could hardly button them. And they are now capris. Yes, fashionable camo capris. At least 4 inches too short! For good measure, we had her stand next to Kearsdad to compare now to then. In the picture up there she comes to his shoulder. Now the top of her head hits at about nose level on him.
We begged her to let us take a picture. She refused. Seems that preteen embarrassment factor has kicked in. So you will have to use your imagination. And I will have to use my debit card soon and go buy the girl some new camos that fit!