Friday, August 1, 2008

Rainy Day Thoughts

I woke this morning to the sound of rain outside my window, and the sound of distant thunder. Once I was awake enough to put two coherent thoughts together, I got up to let the dog out while the rain was still light. I was just in time. Shortly after he came back in, the light rain became heavier and the thunder got closer and closer. It was obvious we were in for a rainy day.

Had my day started like this any other time in recent weeks, I would have been quite unhappy. But today, I welcomed the rain and the excuse to hibernate in my house with my kids. I had nothing pressing to do, and nowhere to go. No one was expecting me. The girls didn't have anywhere to go. The girls stayed in their pj's till almost noon. I washed my hair and took my time getting dressed. Sammy stayed happily in his "room" (aka in his open kennel in the laundry room). I Swiffered the floors and dusted the den and my bedroom.

At some point in my cleaning, I was thinking about how an occasional rainy day is so good for me. A built in excuse to get off the merry-go-round of life and take care of business closer to home. If it had been a bright, sunny day, I would have felt pressured to go, to do. Somewhere. Something. But in the heavy rain and thunder, I felt perfectly content and relaxed with staying in. And as a result, I got some much needed work done.

It was at that point that God tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me of something. Sometimes we need spiritual rainy days. Sometimes God brings the unexpected into our lives that causes us to stop in our routine and be still. It is in those times He is able to accomplish much needed cleaning in our lives. I have had a couple of spiritual rainy days lately as well. I needed those days to reevaluate how I relate to God and to others. I needed to remember that my trust is in HIM.

So I am thankful today for rainy days. And as I look out my window and see the sun peeking though I am thankful that God washes me clean and then shines into my life.


Anonymous said...

very well said !!!I wish it would be rainy for a week and I could stay at home.tamara

Debbie B said...

Lovely thoughts!! Thanks for sharing them.


Junebug said...

good stuff, my friend. you should write a devotional book.