Thursday, August 21, 2008

Creative Writing

Banana style. Banana had a list of spelling words this week. All her words have endings that mean "small". Words such as rivulet, ringlet, floweret, statuette, gosling, fledgling, and darling. Today, her assignment was to write sentences with said spelling words. Bear in mind, earlier assignments this week involved word meanings. Here is a sampling of Anna's sentences. Spelling words are in bold. Notice her use of girls' names in her sentences.

The dead man got put in a casket. ewww....

"Lou Lou" saw a fledgling.

"Kat" and I saw an eaglet at the zoo.

Brittany saw a darling come out of the bush. Huh? I had to ask about this one. She informed me that her spelling book said that darling is "a little dear". It had not occurred to me that she would misinterpret "dear" for "deer".

"Banana's" spelling word is ringlet. Um, yeah, that's real creative don't you think?

There were more, but these are just a few. In case you are wondering, she had to redo those last two. Those just didn't cut it. Dad said she would have to come up with something more creative. I thought she was pretty creative already. For what it's worth, I quizzed her tonight and she spelled them all correctly.


Junebug said...

LOL!! LOL!!! I love the last one...about ringlet being her spelling word! That is simply fabulous!

Junebug said...

also, *shh* you used her "real" name. *shh* you should go back and fix that. *shh*

Kearsmom said...

Ooops...yeah I did. I fixed it. Thanks!

Debbie B said...

Well, the little darling needs to learn what darling means!! Too funny!!!