Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sigh...I Wasn't Gonna Do This

But Junebug said I either I'm succumbing to peer pressure, or my pride is getting the best of me...

Copy & paste if you want to play along.

1. Were you named after anyone? I think I was named after someone my parents knew (first name, Deborah-DON'T tell anyone that) Jean (after my mom) My name now (because my dad liked it.) When I got married, I changed it legally.
2. When was the last time you cried? Three weeks ago today.
3. Do you like your handwriting? No.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? I don't like lunch meat. I like PB& J. Unless it's corned beef on a Reuben at McAllister's.
5. Do you have kids? Yeah, two. And a big black dog.
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Why, of course I would.
7. Do you use sarcasm? Isn't that a spiritual gift? My boss says it is.
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep.
9. Would you bungee jump? Absolutely, positively not. If you remember, I won't even climb the attic ladder.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Here lately, Peanut Butter Bumpers. It can be found in the organic section at Kroger.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Usually not, especially if I've been in the pasture or the barn, I don't touch them at all.
12. Do you think you are strong? Physically? Nope. Mentally? Absolutely. Emotionally? Yes.
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Bop's Amazing Grace Concrete, made by James at the Old Canton Rd. store.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Whether or not they look me in the eye.
15. Red or pink? Depends on where the color is. On me, pink. On a wall, probably red.
16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself? The fact that I sweat the small stuff too often.
17. Who do you miss the most? This week, all my "kids" who are on mission trip or in Israel. I also miss my Grandmama.
18. Do you want everyone to send this back to you? Sure.
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? I am still in my jammies.
20. What was the last thing you ate? Grits that Banana made for breakfast.
21. What are you listening to right now? Jon and Kate plus 8 (my kids are awake) and the washing machine.
22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Unlike Junebug, I LOVE crayons. I would probably be a dark orange color. Or yellow.
23. Favorite smells? Warm Vanilla Sugar. Garlic. The barn. The bush on the side of our house (can't remember what it's called) when it is in bloom.
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
25. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course I do. I love her very much.
26. Favorite sports to watch? Braves baseball. And baseball at the small private school north of my house. I will also watch football there, even though I don't like or understand football. But I love the boys who are playing, so I watch anyway.
27. Hair color? Dark blond with really good blond highlights right now, because Cathy just did it a few weeks ago.
28. Eye color? Green
29. Do you wear contacts? I have before. Probably should. I wear glasses when I drive or when I really want to see clearly.
30. Favorite food? hmmm....don't know if I could name a favorite. I like sushi, I like Mexican. I like just about anything with garlic or onion.
31. Scary movies or happy endings? I'm with Junebug...No scary movies.
32. Last movie you watched? Prince Caspian? Watched Princess Bride on tv the other night, for the zillionth time.
33. What color shirt are you wearing? see number 19.
34. Favorite season? Fall, I guess. Or spring. I like summer, too, cause there is no school. And we cannot overlook winter cause it has Christmas. Hmm...( I'm not creative enough to change this answer so I'm stealing it
35. Hugs or kisses? Depends on who they are from. Kisses from the people who live in my house.
36. Favorite dessert? The CrazyEights thing that PF Changs doesn't have anymore. That makes me sad...
37. Most likely to respond? hmmm....not sure
38. Least likely to respond? not sure on this one either
39. What book are you reading now? The Maiden of Mayfair, by Lawanna Blackwell.
40. What is on your mouse pad? I don't have a mouse pad if I'm on my laptop, like right now. On the desktop, it's the Dell emblem.
41. What did you watch on tv last night? Nothing...I was working on my lesson for tonight.
42. Favorite sound? QUIET
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles? The Beatles!
44. What is the farthest you have been from home? Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
45. What specific subject do you feel you know better than any other subject? My kids.
46. If you could spend a whole day with any one historical figure, who would it be? Ronald Reagan.
47. You're driving your car late at night and come to a red light. If there are no cars in either direction, do you stop? Oh yes. Definitely! But I don't usually drive late at night.
48. Do you have a special talent? I think I'm a pretty good cook.
49. Where were you born? Montgomery, Alabama
50. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back? Hmm...

1 comment:

Junebug said...

I swear, I ALMOST put Ronald Reagan. Mr. Gorbechev. Tear. Down. That. Wall. Oh, man. You gotta love him!!

Also, I don't dislike crayons. In children's ministry, magic markers are waay cooler than crayons. So that's why I said that.

Also, I have to go to bed now. Nighty-night.