Thursday, June 5, 2008

God is God

Banana is at Kids Camp this week with Junebug, SUG, BB, and company. The theme of the week is The Names of God, and they called the camp iGod. Last night was parent's night and we got to go be a part of dinner (gotta love supper at camp with 70+ kids) and worship. I'm the first to admit children's ministry is not my calling. But there is something about being in camp worship with a room full of kids who have spent the week studying and worshiping together that is just amazing. They worship so purely, and with such honesty. It was great. Little Brother to Junebug is camp pastor and he did a great job.

But the highlight of the night for me was when Banana helped lead in worship. She was asked by Worship Leader if she would dance to God is God, by Steven Curtis Chapman with WL singing. She choreographed her dance with the help of a sweet lady in our church, and last night led us all in an amazing worship experience. She overcame a severe case of stage fright (dancing in front of all your peers, alone, is much scarier than dancing on a big stage with all your friends) and did a beautiful job. Our prayer and goal throughout this ballet experience has been for Banana to honor and glorify our God through her gift of dance. Last night she did just that, and when it was all done, was glad that she had.

Almost as sweet as watching Banana dance was watching her sister's reaction. Kat was so incredibly proud of her, and if you watch the end of the video carefully, you see Banana run straight into her sister's arms. And the reaction of her peers was so see them worship with her and then affirm her the way they just had to be there. But if you weren' it is:


Debbie B said...

Lovely!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Your girls seem to really love each other.


Kearsmom said...

They really do. Kat missed her so much this week. When we got to the church to wait for them to arrive, one of the mom's asked, "So, have you enjoyed having your mom and your dad to yourself this week with no sister?" Kat answered quickly, "No ma'am!" She was at the door of the van waiting for Banana to get off before the door even opened!

Andrea said...

Awesome Job A! I look forward to seeing you next week at Intensive! :)

Heather said...

She did a beautiful job!

southernutahgirl said...

It was truly a blessing she did a great job!!!!

southernutahgirl said...

Kat definately loves her I am so proud of thier relationship.

BB said...

oh my!! i just worshipped all over again watching the video. i am not sure how she remembers all the order of her steps, twirls, jumps, etc. but they were choreographed beautifully! way to go, girl! God was surely pleased!

Anonymous said...

I just had tears! So beautiful!