Saturday, May 10, 2008

One Down...Two to Go

One recital, that is...Today was the 3 and 4 year old recital. The theme was "Under the Sea", a shortened version of the "big" recital a couple of years ago. It began with an underwater scene with jellyfish and seahorses, Ariel and Sebastian the Crab. Ariel danced in the middle, and it ended with Red Fish and Blue Fish. Banana was a Red Fish. In between there were classes of little 3 and 4 year olds showing off their tapping or ballet skills. This is the part Kearsdad fondly refers to as "line dancing". The little girls come out, sometimes skipping, sometimes running, and they stand in a line and do their little "dance". It was very sweet...seems like it wasn't that long ago that Banana was doing her little "line dance" with a cute little umbrella (the song was something like "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" I think). Today she was one of the big girls....hard to believe. But she was a beautiful Red Fish.


southernutahgirl said...

Very pretty red fish!!! Proud of her!!!

Debbie B said...

Fun! They grow up so quickly. I bet she did a wonderful job.


Karren said...

Fun pictures! Tis that time of year, isn't it? Recitals everywhere!

Wendy aka "Grits" said...

How fun!


TobyBo said...

looks like fun!!