Monday, January 14, 2008

My New Favorite Show

Yes, that is a TV show! I know, you are shocked. I'm not usually much for least not TV that was produced in this century. Unless it involves balls, strikes and runs. Or Rachel Ray. Or Clinton and Stacy. But we stumbled upon this show a couple of weeks ago, and I'm hooked.

It's TLC's Jon and Kate +8. It's about a family of 10...Mom, Dad, 7 year old twin girls, and 3 year old sextuplets. Yes, that is 6 preschoolers all the same age! It's a reality show that follows them through their life. Besides being unable to imagine having that many small children, I can't fathom living with a production crew in my house and my life like that all the time. But the show is fascinating . Actually, we enjoy sitting around, watching, and LAUGHING. If you have ever had a preschooler or two (in my case it was two at once) you would understand why we find it humorous. Imagine 6 temper tantrums. Or better yet, 8, since the two older girls tend to get in on the action.

The most amazing episode to me was the trip to Disney World. The family lives in Pennsylvania. They drove...yes DROVE to Orlando. They have this huge conversion van with all these car seats. They rented aUHaul trailer for the luggage. Can you imagine the logistics of such a trip?? It was a hoot watching them get all the kids out of the van and into the hotel. That's where the production crew came in handy! Don't worry though, they had even more help. Apparently, some family friends offered to go with them to help out as well.

So, if you haven't watched it yet...check it out. Let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

I would probably like that show too. what time? sounds entertaining. I am impressed you are branching out.:)

Junebug said...

Ok, believe it or not, last night I was flipping channels and your show had just started. LouLou & I watched and eventually JMatt showed up as well. Very cute kids. I was so impressed with the mom.

Also, yay for you watching tv. Any chance you see Idol tonight?

Kearsmom said...

Yea for Junebug! And for Lou Lou and JMatt! Isn't it a cute show?

And Shug...I'm not sure what time it comes children pay attention to such things. I'll have to ask them. I just watch it when they tell me it's on.

Ashley said...

I have been obsessed with this show for a LONG time. Kurt is terrified that we'll have multiples...because I would be crazy excited about it. :)

Anonymous said...

I love this show! Somehow it just makes me feel at home!:) Thanks for leaving the sweetest notes on my blog...made me smile!

Andrea said...

I found you blog through Katrice! I LOVE this show. I think it is hilarious and since I am the mother of twins I understand to a small degree. I am amazed at how organized she is! You have to be with multiples! ;)