Friday, September 9, 2011


I am reminded of seasons again today. The weather this week, following the visit of Tropical Storm Lee, has been absolutely beautiful. Despite my dislike for this time of year in many aspects, I do love fall. I love the cool weather and the colors and the beautiful blue sky and the way the sunlight looks through the trees. My issue isn't with the season, but with the reminders of the passage of time. This is a more recent development, as my girls have gotten older.

But today, I'm reminded of God's blessings in all our seasons. For every change, he gives a blessing. For every moment that passes, he gives something new. The beauty of this day reminds me of that...However much I may miss carefree, summer days (ok, so jam-packed busy traveling summer days is more like it, but you know what I mean) I love the gentle beauty of an early fall day. And I love the warmth and coziness of the Christmas season. For that matter, I love long, cold, winter days when I can hibernate with my family. On those days, the memory of last summer brings a smile and with it anticipation and the knowledge that summer will come again.

As a mom, I am thankful to know our seasons change in the same ways. Today, I am reminded that the memories of yesterdays will always bring a smile, but they also promise tomorrows. "Summer" will return. It will be different, filled with new memories, but they will also bring smiles. I can enjoy the beauty of today because in it God promises his constant presence in an inconstant world. His mercies are new every day.

1 comment:

Debbie B said...

I love the fall, also. I love the colors, smells, and temperature!!

Lovely posting!