Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Definition of Wealth

I have at last found something President Obama and I can agree on. We both agree that my family is not wealthy. According to him, "wealthy" is defined by making more than $200,000-250,000 a year. I would beg to differ with his numbers, but either way, we don't fit his definition.

However, I have another definition of wealthy. And according to my definition, I am wealthy beyond measure.

First, I am a daughter of the King of Kings. I am heir to all the riches of heaven.

I have a husband who loves me and treats me like a princess. I am completely spoiled. And I am completely secure in his love for me. I have known many women who can't say the same thing.

I have two beautiful children who love the Lord with all their hearts, who are talented and kind.

Our house is filled with joy and laughter. Sometimes (most of the time) it's a mess. The laundry isn't always done (I don't think all the laundry has been clean at one time since before Kat was born), the dishes aren't always clean, but we are always happy to be together.

I belong to the most incredible church family in the world. I get to take advantage of the greatest worship, teaching and preaching there is. I am surrounded by people who love the Lord, love me, and love my family. I get to serve alongside the most incredible people.

At that church, I get to have the best job in the world. I get to hang with people I love (adults and teenagers), serve them, minister with them, travel with them, have tons of fun with them, and I get paid for it!

I have friends who love me. They know most of my secrets and faults, and they still love me!

I could go on and on. But you get the point. I am a wealthy, wealthy woman. And, Mr. President, you can't tax that!


Anonymous said...

Preach on Sister! See you Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Amen and hallalejah, sista!! Couldn't have said it better myself!! LET'S ROLL!!! Andy's Mom

Josie said...


But don't tempt Mr President - he may find a way to tax all these wonderful things!

Anonymous said...

I am with J on this one - no need to tempt him 8-) - but it is always good to count our blessings!