Wednesday, August 27, 2008


That's not how I usually see myself. That's not how most of us usually see ourselves. But I was reminded recently that perfect is exactly how God sees me. How humbling.

I have a devotion book by Charles Swindoll that I love. It was actually a gift to Kearsdad from one of our pastors. It's called Wisdom for the Way and it is truly chock full of wisdom. The devotion I read the other day said this:

Our past is like an art gallery. Walking down those corridors of our memory is like walking through an art gallery. On the walls are all of yesterday's pictures: our childhood, our parents, our rearing, the heartaches, the difficulties, the joys and triumphs as well as the abuses and the inequities of our life. Since Jesus Christ our Lord is the same yesterday and today and forever, then we can take the Christ of today and walk with Him into our yesterday and ask Him to remove the pictures that bring bad or defeating memories. In other words, the Christian can let Jesus invade yesterday and deal with those years of affliction...and remove those scenes from the corridors of our lives.

I was reminded that God doesn't want me to live in a state of self-recrimination. He wants me to live in victory. This isn't a new idea for me...I know it. I've learned it over and over, but it never seems to stick. But oh how I want it to. I want to live in victory. I want to live in the security that I am perfect in His sight. He doesn't want me to walk around defeated, beating myself up over this or that failure, this or that memory. Can I do it? You can be sure I am going to try.

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